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Case Vignettes

Case studies are the narratives
by which clinicians at every level of training communicate:
their understanding of particular patients and their medical histories,
how these patients have been treated in the past, and
how they are currently being managed.
They are formative devices that shape as well as reflect the thought, the talk, and the actions of practicing clinicians. neuroscienceCME is pleased to present an opportunity for you to apply your diagnostic and clinical management skills to solve these challenging, evidence-based, real-world case studies and vignettes.

neuroscienceCME offers two levels of case-based learning tools: dynamic, interactive Medical Simulations, and more concise Case Vignettes. To participate in a Medical Simulation, visit the Medical Simulations page; to participate in a Case Vignette, select a clinical area from the list below to begin.

Alcohol Use Disorders

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder


Sleep and Wake Medicine

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